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Todo lo que colgamos en la pared dice más de nosotros de lo que pensamos. Reexhibimos sin parar imágenes que otra persona creó, estableciendo relaciones con ellas por el mero gesto de decidir ponerlas en nuestro entorno privado.

En un mundo masificado de imágenes en la red y los discos duros, el concepto de imagen-objeto se está quedando obsoleto. La cuestión que se plantea es, si cada vez seleccionamos menos fotos para tenerlas como algo material, ¿por qué en muchos de esos casos elegimos reproducciones de cuadros?

Trabajo de Fin de Máster - Arte Contemporáneo Tecnológico y Performativo

Everything we hang up on the wall says more about us than we think. We Re-Exhibit non-stop images that someone else created, establishing relationships with them, just for the simple gesture of deciding to put them in our private enviroment.

In a world overcrowded with images in the Net and hard drives, the image-object concept is becoming obsolete.  The question asked is; nowadays we select fewer photos or pictures to have them as something material, so, why in most of the cases we chose picture reproductions? 

Everything we hang up on the wall says more about us than we think. We Re-Exhibit non-stop images that someone else created, establishing relationships with them, just for the simple gesture of deciding to put them in our private enviroment.

In a world overcrowded with images in the Net and hard drives, the image-object concept is becoming obsolete.  The question asked is; nowadays we select fewer photos or pictures to have them as something material, so, why in most of the cases we chose picture reproductions? 

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